

Mrs. Svetlana Nikitina

Department of Population Statistics

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

39, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, Russian Federation 107450

Phone: (7) 495-6074256

Fax: (7) 495-6072435

Email: nikitina_s@gks.ru

0. Prerequisites

0.1 Legal environment

0.1.1 Responsibility for collecting, processing, and disseminating statistics

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

  • The compilation and dissemination of the data are governed by the terms and conditions of the Federal Law of November 29, 2007 No. 282-FZ On Official Statistical Accounting and State statistics system in the Russian Federation, (Об официальном статистическом учете и системе государственной статистики в Российской Федерации) and Statute on the Federal State Statistics Service, adopted by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on July 02, 2008 №420 (Положение о Федеральной службе государственной статистики
  • Article 1 of the Statute stipulates that the Federal State Statistics Service (the Rosstat) shall provide official statistical information that constitutes part of government information resources on the country's social, economic, demographic and ecologic status.
  • Article 5.2 of the Statute stipulates that the Federal State Statistics Service shall develop the official statistical methodology for compilation of statistical observations, and provide conformity of the specified methodology to the international standards.

The above mentioned documents is available in Russian on the following Rosstat's webpage:

Federal Law On Official Statistical Accounting and State statistics system in the Russian Federation ((http://www.gks.ru/news/fz282.htm);

Statute on the Federal State Statistics Service (http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/rosstat/post_rosstat.htm).

0.1.2 Data sharing and coordination among data producing agencies

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

The Statute and the Law provides Rosstat has the right to receive from respondents primary statistical data and administrative data, including those containing information classified as State secrets, commercial secrets, information about taxpayers, personal data of individuals subject to their obligatory depersonalization, and other information, access to which is restricted by federal laws, in order to compile official statistical information (Article 6.1 of the Statute, Article 9 of the Law).

0.1.3 Confidentiality of individual reporters' data

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

Article 5.16 of the Statute stipulates that the Rosstat shall provide in appropriate way the storage and protection of official, banking, tax, and commercial and other confidential information, received by the Rosstat during its activities.

0.4 Quality management

0.4.1 Quality policy

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

The document was developed taking into account the principles of official statistical accounting established by the Law, the fundamental principles of official statistics approved at the 68th session of the UN General Assembly on January 23, 2014, the Generic Statistical Business Process Model (version 5.0) prepared by the UNECE High Level Group, and international standards for ensuring the quality of official statistical information.


1. Integrity

1.1 Professionalism

1.1.2 Selection of sources, methodology, and modes of dissemination

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

Article 4 of the Law defines rational choice of sources in order to generate official statistical information to ensure its completeness, reliability and timeliness of provision, as well as to reduce the burden on respondents as one of the principles of official statistics.

Article 7 of the Law states that Rosstat develops official statistical methodology, which includes methods of collecting, monitoring, dissemination, aggregation and grouping primary statistical data and administrative data, compiling national accounts, assessing the accuracy of official statistical information and its systematization, and official statistical methodology of the development of statistical information.

Article 4 of the Law states that the official statistical methodology should be scientifically substantiated, consistent with international standards and principles of official statistics, as well as the legislation of the Russian Federation, open and accessible.

Rosstat disseminate official statistical information by publishing in official publications, the media and posting for publican free access on the official website of Rosstat (www.gks.ru).

1.1.3 Commenting on erroneous interpretation and misuse of statistics

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

In case of misinterpretation or misuse of statistical data, Rosstat may send a denial to the media, which allowed the distortion of official statistical information, for further publication.

1.2 Transparency

1.2.2 Internal governmental access to statistics prior to release

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

There is no government access to the data before its release.

1.2.3 Attribution of statistical products

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

The data are published without ministerial commentary.

1.2.4 Advance notice of major changes in methodology, source data, and statistical techniques

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

Major changes in methodology are noted in the relevant publications after their implementation. Методологические положения по статистике (Methodological Principles in Statistics), methodology comments in the bulletin Обследование населения по проблемам занятости (Population Survey of Employment Problems), and other methodological materials are posted on the following Rosstat's webpage: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/en/main/


Major changes in methodology are noted in the relevant publications after their implementation

1.3 Ethical standards

1.3.1 Guidelines for staff behavior

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

In the performance of official duties Rosstat employees adhere to the standards of conduct established by the Code of Ethics and official conduct of Rosstat civil servants, approved by order of Rosstat on October 10, 2016.

Article 15 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ "On the Civil Service of the Russian Federation" (О государственной гражданской службе Российской Федерации) establishes the duties of civil servants related to the observance of official conduct

2. Methodology

2.1 Concepts and definitions

2.1.1 Concepts and definitions

  • Analytical framework: The recording of vital statistics is consistent with international standards set forth in the UN publications Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System and Handbook of Civil Registration Vital Statistics Systems.
  • The document defining the concept of population is the "Conception for the Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation for the Period to 2025", adopted by the Russian Federation government in 2007.

The population census is performed in accordance with Federal Law No. 8-FZ On the Russian Population Census of January 25, 2002:

    • "Article 4. Persons Subject to the Russian Population Census
      • The following shall be subject to the Russian Population Census:
      • citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, and stateless persons located on the territory of the Russian Federation on the date of the Russian Population Census, with the exception of foreign citizens referred to in item 2 of this article;
      • citizens of the Russian Federation who are permanent residents of the Russian Federation but are located outside the Russian Federation on the date of the Russian Population Census.
      • Foreign citizens who enjoy immunity and privileges in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation shall not be subject to the Russian Population Census."

This is consistent with Principles and Recommendations for a Population and Housing Census ST/Series M, No. 67/Rev. 1.

2.2 Scope

2.2.1. Scope Scope of the data

  • Geographic coverage: Vital statistics data, as well as population census data, cover the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

The data cover the following persons:

In the 2010 Russian Population Census, the permanent population of Russia comprised citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, and stateless persons permanently residing and located in the territory of Russiaon the date of the census, including those who were temporarily absent. Persons who were temporarily absent (regardless of citizenship) consisted of permanent residents of Russia who had left the country as of the census date for work or study for a period of up to one year, sailors at sea, and persons who had left the country to visit relatives and friends, and for medical treatment and vacation, regardless of the duration of the absence. Exceptions to coverage

The permanent population does not include:

  • Persons temporarily located on the territory of the Russian Federation as of the census date and permanently residing abroad. This group includes persons who have entered the country from abroad for work or study for a period of up to one year and those who have come to visit relatives and friends, and for medical treatment and vacation, regardless of the duration of the stay;
  • citizens of the Russian Federation who were sent to longtime business trips abroad in the line of duty and family members traveling with them.

These population categories were not recorded:

  • Foreign citizens who enjoy immunity and privileges in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation are excluded from the data.

3. Accuracy and reliability

3.1 Source data

3.1.1 Source data collection programs

The collection of population data is performed through population surveys and the completion of census forms during visits to dwellings and other premises where the persons being surveyed reside (spend their time). The collection of said data may also be performed either with the aid of communications equipment or at special premises set up as census enumeration offices.

In the 2010 Russian Population Census, the permanent population of Russia comprised citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, and stateless persons permanently residing and located in the territory of Russiaon the date of the census, including those who were temporarily absent. Persons who were temporarily absent (regardless of ciezenship) consisted of permanent residents of Russia who had left the country as of the census date for work or study for a period of up to one year, sailors at sea, and persons who had left the country to visit relatives and friends, and for medical treatment and vacation, regardless of the duration of the absence.

The permanent population does not include:

  • persons temporarily located on the territory of the Russian Federation as of the census date and permanently residing abroad. This group includes persons who have entered the country from abroad for work or study for a period of up to one year and those who have come to visit relatives and friends, and for medical treatment and vacation, regardless of the duration of the stay;
  • citizens of the Russian Federation who were sent to longtime business trips abroad in the line of duty and family members traveling with them.

These population categories were recorded separately.

  • foreign citizens who enjoy immunity and privileges in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation are excluded from the data.

The population estimates are based on the most recent census, which was held in 2010. The Russian Population Census is conducted at least once every ten years. 

Population estimates are updated annually with information obtained from administrative records. All births, deaths, marriages, and divorces are recorded at civil registry offices (national coverage). 

The population is determined as of January 1 of each year, based on data from January 1 of the previous year, taking into account natural and migration increases, as well as changes in population size resulting from administrative and territorial reforms over the previous year.

Data from the processing of primary documents used to record migrants, which are compiled in the process of registration or removal from registration when a person changes his place of residence, as well as information on the number of migrants registered at a place of residence for 9 months or more, are used for the migration increase. 


3.1.2 Source data definitions, scope, classifications, valuation, and time of recording

Civil Registration: Information on births, deaths, marriages, and divorces is collected as these events occur (based on the date an event takes place). Demographic events are subject to observation at the time they are legally documented, since each of them has legal significance. All births, deaths, marriages, and divorces are recorded at civil registry offices (national coverage). Records of civil status certificates and medical death certificates are the source of vital statistics data.

The processing of civil status documents consists of a monthly calculation of the number of events (acts), grouped by each of the recorded characteristics or a combination thereof. Since October 2018, information on the vital statistics is provided to Rosstat by the Federal Tax Service from the Unified State Register of Acts of civil state.

Population Census: The Russian Population Census consists of the collection of data about people who are located on the territory of the Russian Federation on a certain date, and it is performed throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation following a uniform state statistical methodology for the purpose of obtaining general demographic, economic, and social data.

Participation in the All-Russian Population Census is a person’s and citizen’s civic duty.
The Russian Population Census is conducted at least once every ten years.
The following are subject to the Russian Population Census:

citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, and stateless persons located on the territory of the Russian Federation on the date of the Russian Population Census, with the exception of foreign citizens who enjoy immunity and privileges in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation;

citizens of the Russian Federation who are permanent residents of the Russian Federation but are located outside the Russian Federation on the date of the Russian Population Census.

The collection of population data is performed through population surveys and the completion of census forms during visits to dwellings and other premises where the persons being surveyed reside (spend their time). The collection of mentioned data may also be performed either with the aid of communications equipment or at special premises set up as census enumeration offices.

3.3 Statistical techniques

3.3.1 Source data statistical techniques

  • Compilation method of annual total population estimate: In the period between censuses, the population of the Russian Federation is estimated annually as of January 1 of each year following the census. Data from the most recent previous census are used as the base. At the federal level, an estimate of the total, urban, and rural population is performed for constituent territories of the Russian Federation (republics, krays, oblasts, the federally designated cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, and the Chukchi Autonomous District). At the regional level, the population is estimated by municipal entities of all levels including urban districts and municipal areas, city or urban-type settlements and inter-settlement areas as well as by autonomous districts within a region. 
  • Population is determined as of January 1 of each year, based on data from January 1 of the previous year, taking into account natural and migration increases, as well as changes in population size resulting from municipal and territorial reforms over the previous year. Real data on births and deaths based on date of occurrence, which are obtained from the processing of second copies of civil registry documents, are used in estimating the population size. Data of processed primary documents are used to record migrants, which are compiled during registration or removal from registration when a person changes his place of residence, as well as information on number of migrants registered at a place of residence for nine months or more, are used for the migration increase. 

General and specific coefficients are calculated to describe birth and death rates, and fertility and mortality tables are compiled.


The 2010 Russian Population Census data has been developed based on people’ responses to the questions from census forms. Information is recorded in the census forms on the basis of self-designation of the respondents without requiring documents confirming the truth of their replies.

4. Serviceability

4.1 Periodicity and timeliness

4.1.1 Periodicity


4.1.2 Timeliness

Annual data on the federal level of the Russian Federation are accessible on July 30 of the following year. Annual data on regional levels are available on October 9 of the following year. 

4.2 Consistency

4.2.1 Internal consistency

Data on population can be cross-checked by the public against detailed data broken down by the federal and regional levels of the Russian Federation, published in annual publications :

  • Российский статистический ежегодник (Statistical Yearbook of Russia) (in Russian only);
  • Регионы России. Социально-экономические показатели (Regions of Russia. Social and Economic Indicators) (in Russian only);
  • Численность и миграция населения (Number and Migration of Population) (in Russian only);
  • Естественное движение населения (Natural Movement of the Population) (in Russian only);
  • Demographic Yearbook of Russia (Демографический ежегодник России) (in English and in Russian);
  • Russia in Figures (Россия в цифрах) (in English and in Russian).

4.3 Revision

4.3.1 Revision schedule

The data are final when released. Published data are final, unless the tables indicate either in the title or in footnotes that the data are preliminary.

When the census is completed,  all time series on the number and structure of population are recompiled till the previous census

Final data of the 2010 Russia Population Census are published in 11 volumes:

  • Volume 1 – «Численность и размещение населения» (“Population Size and Distribution”) ;
  • Volume 2 – «Возрастно-половой состав и состояние в браке» (“Age and Sex Composition and Marital Status”);
  • Volume 3 – «Образование» (Education);
  • Volume 4 - «Национальный состав и владение языками,гражданство» (“Nationality Composition and Language Skills, Citizenship”);
  • Volume 5 – «Источники средств к существованию» (Sources of Livelihood);
  • Volume 6 – «Число и состав домохозяйств»  (“Households Number and Composition”);
  • Volume 7 – «Экономически активное и экономически неактивное население» (“Economically Active and InactivePopulation”);
  • Volume 8 – «Продолжительность проживания населения в месте постоянного жительства» (“Population Duration of Staying in Residence”);
  • Volume 9 – «Жилищные условия населения» (“Population Living Conditions”);
  • Volume 10 – «Рождаемость» (“Fertility”);
  • Volume 11 – «Сводные итоги Всероссийской переписинаселения 2010 года» (“Summary Outcomes of the 2010 Russia Population Census”).

All volumes with results of the 2010 Russia Population Census are available at the Rosstat official web page: http://www.gks.ru./

Significant changes in methodology are noted in the relevant publications

4.3.2 Identification of preliminary and/or revised data

The data are final when released. Published data are final, unless the tables indicate either in the title or in footnotes that the data are preliminary.

5. Accessibility

5.1 Data

5.1.1 Statistical presentation

Data are disseminated on the de jure population of the federal level and regional levels of all republics, krays, oblasts, autonomous oblast, autonomous okrugs and cities with federal status of the Russian Federation, broken down by age, sex, urban and rural population, population migration, life expectancy.

In the 2010 Russian Population Census, the permanent population of Russia comprised citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, and stateless persons permanently residing and located in the territory of Russiaon the date of the census, including those who were temporarily absent. Persons who were temporarily absent (regardless of ciezenship) consisted of permanent residents of Russia who had left the country as of the census date for work or study for a period of up to one year, sailors at sea, and persons who had left the country to visit relatives and friends, and for medical treatment and vacation, regardless of the duration of the absence.


5.1.2 Dissemination media and format


Hard copy - Other

Annual publications:

Annual publications (in Russian only):

Statistical Yearbook of Russia Российский статистический ежегодник»);

“Number and Migration of Population” («Численность и миграция населения»)

“Natural Movement of the Population” («Естественное движение населения»)

“Russia in Figures” Россия в цифрах»)

Biannual publication (in Russian only):

“Demographic Yearbook of Russia”(«Демографический ежегодник России»)

To order a copy, please contact the above address.

Electronic - On-line bulletin or data





Electronic - Other


Please contact the above address.

5.1.3 Advance release calendar

The release dates of the annual data could be specified from the contact person. 

5.1.4 Simultaneous release

All data on population are simultaneously released to the public in Russian in the annual statistical bulletin Численность населения Российской Федерации по полу и возрасту (Number of Population of the Russian Federation on Sex and Age) (issue - October of the following year).

The information is published also in: 

  • Российский статистический ежегодник (Russian Statistical Yearbook) (issue - December of the following year) (in Russian only);
  • Демографический ежегодник России (Demographic Yearbook of Russia) (issue - December of the following year) (in Russian only).

Population data may be also accessed at the official Rosstat website (http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/en/main/).

5.2 Metadata

5.2.1 Dissemination of documentation on concepts, scope, classifications, basis of recording, data sources, and statistical techniques

The methodology for compiling specific indicators of the population is published in the publication «Методологические положения постатистике» (“Methodological Principles in Statistics”) and in the chapters «Методологические пояснения» (“Methodological notes”) of final data of the 2010 Russia Population Census volumes.

A copy may be ordered from the Information and Publishing Center «Statistics of Russia».


Russia. Special Data Dissemination Standard
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