Labor market: Wages/Earnings


Mrs. Zainullina Zifa

Department of Labour Statistics

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

39, Myasnitskaya str., Moscow , Russian Federation 107450

Phone: (7) 495 6074117

Fax: (7) 4956329057


0. Prerequisites

0.1 Legal environment

0.1.1 Responsibility for collecting, processing, and disseminating statistics

  • The compilation and dissemination of the data are governed by the terms and conditions of the Federal Law of November 29, 2007 No. 282-FZ On Official Statistical Accounting and State statistics system in the Russian Federation, (Об официальном статистическом учете и системе государственной статистики в Российской Федерации) and Statute on the Federal State Statistics Service, adopted by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on July 02, 2008 №420 (Положение о Федеральной службе государственной статистики
  • Article 1 of the Statute stipulates that the Federal State Statistics Service (the Rosstat) shall provide official statistical information that constitutes part of government information resources on the country's social, economic, demographic and ecologic status.
  • Article 5.2 of the Statute stipulates that the Federal State Statistics Service shall develop the official statistical methodology for compilation of statistical observations, and provide conformity of the specified methodology to the international standards.

The above mentioned documents is available in Russian on the following Rosstat's webpage:

Federal Law On Official Statistical Accounting and State statistics system in the Russian Federation (;

Statute on the Federal State Statistics Service (

0.1.2 Data sharing and coordination among data producing agencies

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

The Statute and the Law provides Rosstat has the right to receive from respondents primary statistical data and administrative data, including those containing information classified as State secrets, commercial secrets, information about taxpayers, personal data of individuals subject to their obligatory depersonalization, and other information, access to which is restricted by federal laws, in order to compile official statistical information (Article 6.1 of the Statute, Article 9 of the Law).

0.1.3 Confidentiality of individual reporters' data

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

Article 5.16 of the Statute stipulates that the Rosstat shall provide in appropriate way the storage and protection of official, banking, tax, and commercial and other confidential information, received by the Rosstat during its activities.

0.4 Quality management

0.4.1 Quality policy

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

The document was developed taking into account the principles of official statistical accounting established by the Law, the fundamental principles of official statistics approved at the 68th session of the UN General Assembly on January 23, 2014, the Generic Statistical Business Process Model (version 5.0) prepared by the UNECE High Level Group, and international standards for ensuring the quality of official statistical information.

1. Integrity

1.1 Professionalism

1.1.2 Selection of sources, methodology, and modes of dissemination

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

Article 4 of the Law defines rational choice of sources in order to generate official statistical information to ensure its completeness, reliability and timeliness of provision, as well as to reduce the burden on respondents as one of the principles of official statistics.

Article 7 of the Law states that Rosstat develops official statistical methodology, which includes methods of collecting, monitoring, dissemination, aggregation and grouping primary statistical data and administrative data, compiling national accounts, assessing the accuracy of official statistical information and its systematization, and official statistical methodology of the development of statistical information.

Article 4 of the Law states that the official statistical methodology should be scientifically substantiated, consistent with international standards and principles of official statistics, as well as the legislation of the Russian Federation, open and accessible.

Rosstat disseminate official statistical information by publishing in official publications, the media and posting for publican free access on the official website of Rosstat (

1.1.3 Commenting on erroneous interpretation and misuse of statistics

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

In case of misinterpretation or misuse of statistical data, Rosstat may send a denial to the media, which allowed the distortion of official statistical information, for further publication.

1.2 Transparency

1.2.2 Internal governmental access to statistics prior to release

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

There is no government access to the data before its release.

1.2.3 Attribution of statistical products

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

The data are published without ministerial commentary.

1.2.4 Advance notice of major changes in methodology, source data, and statistical techniques

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

The Rosstat announces significant changes in methodology, source data, and compilation techniques in advance.

Labor market: Wages/Earnings

Major changes in methodology are noted in the relevant publications after their implementation. Методологические положения по статистике (Methodological Principles in Statistics), methodology comments in the bulletin Обследование рабочей силы (Population Survey of Employment Problems), and other methodological materials are posted on the following Rosstat's webpage:

1.3 Ethical standards

1.3.1 Guidelines for staff behavior

Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

In the performance of official duties Rosstat employees adhere to the standards of conduct established by the Code of Ethics and official conduct of Rosstat civil servants, approved by order of Rosstat on October 10, 2016.

Article 15 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ "On the Civil Service of the Russian Federation" (О государственной гражданской службе Российской Федерации) establishes the duties of civil servants related to the observance of official conduct.

2. Methodology

2.1 Concepts and definitions

2.1.1 Concepts and definitions

The classification by economic activity is performed in accordance with the Общероссийский классификатор видов экономической деятельности - ОКВЭД (OKVED - Russian Classification of Types of Economic Activity), while the classification of occupations (job levels) is based on the Общероссийский классификатор занятий - ОКЗ (OKZ - Russian Classification of Occupations).

Concepts and Definitions: Information on employee wages is collected from organizations on the basis of current and sample wage surveys.

Employee wages include wages paid in cash and noncash forms, accrued by an employee for time worked and not worked, compensation payments related to working conditions and work schedule, supplemental and additional payments, bonuses, and one-time incentive payments, as well as regular payments for meals and housing. Wages earned by an employee both at his main job and also at a second job are counted.

    • Compensation of employees in noncash form (in kind) includes:
      • payment for the cost of meals and food provided free of charge (entirely or in part) at cafeterias, in the form of coupons;
      • payment for the cost of housing, public utilities, and fuel provided to employees free of charge (entirely or in part).
    • Current wage surveys cover the number of people employed at organizations in permanent, seasonal, and temporary work.

The following categories are not included:

·         women who were on maternity leave, persons who were on leave due to the adoption of a child from the date of birth of the adopted child, as well as on childcare leave (except for those who worked part-time or at home without sacrificing the right of receiving benefits for social insurance);

·         employees who were studying at educational organizations and were on additional leave without pay, as well as who were entering educational organizations  and were on leave without pay for passing entrance exams.

Part-time workers are recorded in proportion to the hours actually worked.

Wage indices: The following wage indices are also compiled:

    • Average nominal wages are wages including taxes and other withholdings in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, expressed in average monetary units per employee. This figure is compiled for the month, quarter, from the beginning of the year, and for the year.
    • The nominal wage index is computed on the basis of current survey data as the ratio of average monthly nominal accrued wages in the reference period to the average monthly nominal accrued wages in the base period.
    • The real wage index is computed as the ratio of the nominal wage index to the consumer price index for the same time period.
    • Nominal wage indices by occupation and job level (one digit level of Russian Classification of Occupations) are calculated as the ratio of the average salary for each of the enlarged professional groups in October of the last organization survey to the average salary of the relevant professional groups for October of the year, in which the previous survey of organizations was conducted.

These indices are available in the monthly Rosstat's bulletin Социально-экономическое положение России (Socio-Economic Situation in Russia) and on the following webpage:

 Rates of change: The rates of change as compared with the correspondent period of the previous year are also available on the following website:

2.2 Scope

2.2.1 Scope


Scope of the data

Data are disseminated on the average monthly nominal accrued wages in Russian roubles.

Average monthly nominal wages are defined as the total gross accrued wages divided by the average number of employees. Data include accrued remunerations (in cash and in kind) for the time worked and work done, for the time not worked (i.e., holidays, sick leaves), compensation payments related to working conditions and work schedule, supplemental and additional payments, bonuses, and one-time incentive payments, as well as regular payments for meals and housing. The amounts used in the calculations reflect gross compensations. Data do not include social benefits from public and nonpublic extrabudgetary funds.

Data from current statistical observations of employee wages are collected at large and medium-sized organizations on a monthly basis, and at small organizations on a quarterly basis, at micro organizations – on annual basis. An estimate of average monthly employee wages for the full range of organizations, including small and micro ones, is performed monthly following a special methodology. Data on wages (monthly, hourly) by occupation (job level) are collected for October twice in 5 years.

Industrial coverage: All economic activities are covered by current wage surveys. Since October 2005, the following types of economic activity are covered by the sample survey of wages by occupation: mining; manufacturing industries; production and distribution of electricity, gas and water; building; wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household products and personal items; hotels and restaurants; transport and communications; transactions with real estate, renting and provision of services; education; health and social services; activities for recreation, entertainment, culture and sports.

Occupational coverage: all occupation and job level groups are covered by current and sample wage surveys.

Geographical coverage: all constituent territories of the Russian Federation are covered by current wage surveys. All constituent territories of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the Chechen Republic, are covered by the sample survey by occupation and job level.

Population coverage: all persons, regardless of age, who are employed at organizations in permanent, temporary, or seasonal work under a full or part-time labor contract are covered by current wage surveys.

    • Persons working part-time are counted in proportion to the time actually worked.
    • Military personnel serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are not counted.

Topical coverage:

    • Data on wages by occupation (job level) are collected from organizations, excluding small businesses and organizations with up to 15 employees.
    • Employees who worked on a full-time basis all of the working days in the survey month are covered by the survey, and the amount of time worked, sex, age, and level of education are indicated.

Exceptions to coverage

Employer social insurance contributions are not included in wages.

2.3 Classification/sectorization

2.3.1 Classification/sectorization

Classification by economic activity is performed in accordance with the Общероссийский классификатор видов экономической деятельности - ОКВЭД (OKVED - All Russian Classification of Types of Economic Activity), which is harmonized with the official version of the of the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Economic Community (NACE Rev. 1) by retaining the codes (down to four digits) and names of groups. The coding of information is based on primary codes (down to six digits).

Classification of occupations (job levels) is based on the Общероссийский классификатор занятий - ОКЗ (OKZ - All-Russian Classification of Occupations), which was developed in accordance with the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-1988), with a breakdown into 8 main groups (excluding the group "Skilled workers of agriculture, forestry, hunting, fish farming and fishing" and "Armed forces"), by retaining the codes (down to four digits) and names of groups. Data on wages by occupation (job level) will be compiled with a breakdown into 7 educational levels, on the basis of which educational levels can be compiled in accordance with ISCED. 

2.4 Basis for recording

2.4.1 Valuation

Timing of price observations:

    • Data from current statistical observations of employee wages are collected at large and medium-sized organizations on a monthly basis, and at small organizations on a quarterly basis.
    • An estimate of average monthly employee wages for the full range of organizations, including small ones, is performed monthly following a special methodology.
    • Data on wages (monthly, hourly) by occupation (job level) are collected for October.

Types of prices: Payments based on salaries and wage scales, supplemental and additional payments of a regular nature, and payments pursuant to rayon regulations, established by the legislation for rayons with unfavorable climatic conditions, are broken out from total accrued wages.

3. Accuracy and reliability

3.1 Source data

3.1.1 Source data collection programs

Data from current statistical observations of employee wages are collected at large and medium size organizations on a monthly basis, and at small organizations on a quarterly basis. An estimate of average monthly employee wages for the full range of organizations, including small ones, is performed monthly following a special methodology. Data on wages (monthly, hourly) by occupation (job level) are collected for October.

Source of weights: Current statistical survey data on employee wages are collected at large and medium-sized organizations on a full-scope basis, and at small and micro organizations on the basis of a sample survey method, data on wage by occupation (position) - on the basis of a sample survey method.

Product/transaction selection: When conducting a sample survey of wages by occupation (s), the unit of observation to be selected is a legal entity or a separate subdivision of a legal entity. To select the units of observation, a scientifically grounded stratified random sample is used (by the indicator of accrued wages fund), with the dissemination of the obtained data to the general population.

Product/transaction specification: The stratification of observation units is based on the following characteristics: activity, form of ownership, number of employees.

Sample size and design: The sample represents 20 percent of the general population of units.

Sample frame: A second sampling stage takes place within the selected subdivisions: the selection of employees for surveying is based on the simple random sampling method.

Updating of the sample: Rotation sampling is not used. The sample is compiled once a year on the basis of the enterprise register.

Data collection: Data are collected by mail. Employees of organizations fill in information on statistical survey forms. 

3.2 Assessment of source data

3.2.1 Source data assessment

·         Aggregation structure: Based on data from the current enterprise wage survey of employees at large and medium size organizations, aggregation is performed: monthly for all items in the Russian Classification of Economic Activities (OKVED) (more than 1,000 items);

Based on data from the wage survey by occupation, at the level of 3 digits of the National Classification of Occupations (OKZ), which is analogous to ISCO-88, aggregation by economic activities is performed at the level of 2 and 3 digits of the OKVED (for approximately 52  items in the OKVED).  

·         Reference period: Average wage indices by sectors of the economy for use in statistical publications may be computed against any base year. At present the base periods are, as a rule, 1991, 1995, and 2000; by type if economic activities – any year since 2005. For current monthly data on wages (for the month, for the period since the beginning of the year), the base period is the corresponding period of the previous year and the previous period of reporting year.

3.3 Statistical techniques

3.3.2 Other statistical procedures

Verification of data: The data input procedure includes verification using logical and arithmetic checks. In the event that an error is found, there is a procedure for questioning enterprises and making corrections in reports on the basis of resubmitted information.

Verification of processing: In order to ensure that dissemination results are correct, data from the sample enterprise survey are checked against similar data from current enterprise surveys.

3.5 Revision studies

3.5.1 Revision studies and analyses

Revision policy:  Preliminary data, which are revised in subsequent publications, are estimated until reporting data on average wages (monthly, annual) are received.

4. Serviceability

4.1 Periodicity and timeliness

4.1.1 Periodicity


4.1.2 Timeliness

On the 35th day after the end of the reporting month

4.2 Consistency

4.2.1 Internal consistency

Data on wages/earnings can be cross-checked by the public against detailed data broken down by economic sectors, by average accrued wages of employees for selected occupations and positions, and by regions of the Russian Federation.

4.3 Revision

4.3.1 Revision schedule

When first published, wages/earnings data are noted in publications as being preliminary and subject to revision. Final monthly data are published within one month after the publication of the estimates.

Data are preliminary when first distributed. In the relevant publications, the data are designated as preliminary and subject to revision. Final data for the year are published in the monthly bulletin of the Federal State Statistics Service "Social and Economic Situation of Russia" within7 months after the end of the reporting year.

Significant changes in methodology are noted in the relevant publications after their approval.

5. Accessibility

5.1 Data

5.1.1 Statistical presentation

Data are disseminated on the average monthly nominal accrued wages in Russian roubles.

Average monthly nominal wages are defined as the total gross accrued wages divided by the average number of employees. Data include accrued remunerations (in cash and in kind) for the time worked and work done, for the time not worked (i.e., holidays, sick leaves), compensation payments related to working conditions and work schedule, supplemental and additional payments, bonuses, and one-time incentive payments, as well as regular payments for meals and housing. The amounts used in the calculations reflect gross compensations. Data do not include social benefits from public and nonpublic extrabudgetary funds.

5.1.2 Dissemination media and format

Hard copy - Monthly Bulletin

Социально-экономическое положение России (Socio-economic Situation in Russia) (in Russian).

To order a copy, please contact the above address.

Hard copy - Other

Annual publications:

Российский статистический ежегодник (Statistical Yearbook of Russia) (in Russian only);

Социальное положение и уровень жизни населения России (Social Status and Living Standard in Russia) (in Russian only);

Труд и занятость в России (Labour and Employment in Russia) (in Russian only);

Регионы России. Социально-экономические показатели (Regions of Russia. Social and Economic Indicators) (in Russian only);

Russia in Figures (Россия в цифрах(in English and in Russian).

To order a copy, please contact the above address.

Electronic - On-line bulletin or data English) (for publications in Russian)

Electronic - Other

On request; please contact the above address.

5.1.3 Advance release calendar

The precise release dates for the current month and the upcoming three months are listed on the following Rosstat's webpage:

5.1.4 Simultaneous release

Data are simultaneously released to all interested parties on the English website of the Rosstat ( and in Russian in the monthly Rosstat's bulletin Социально-экономическое положение России (Socio-Economic Situation in Russia), which is also accessible on the above-mentioned website.

5.2 Metadata

5.2.1 Dissemination of documentation on concepts, scope, classifications, basis of recording, data sources, and statistical techniques

The methodology for compiling specific indicators of the wages/earnings is published in the publication Методологические положения по статистике (Methodological Principles in Statistics).

A copy may be ordered from the Information and Publishing Center "Statistics of Russia" (see the Dissemination Formats Page).


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