This section presents indicators of the Balance of Payments of the Russian Federation which reflect all external economic transactions (trade, economic, and financial) with countries of the world for a definite period, contain foreign trade statistics, foreign trade

Data for 2014 is given with regard to the Crimean Federal

Information on foreign trade is represented according to the Balance of Payments methodology and includes:

data of the Federal Customs Service obtained from customs freight declarations of participants of foreign trade activity including data on mutual trade with the Republic of Belarus, since July 1, 2010 - with the Republic of Kazakhstan obtained from statistical reports on transferring of goods;

data of the Federal State Statistics Service on commodities, which do not cross the customs border of the Russian Federation (fish and sea products, caught and sold outside the customs territory; fuel and goods, purchased by Russian (foreign) sea transport in foreign (Russian) ports), obtained on the basis of federal statistical observation of the Federal State Statistics Service;

additional computations of the Bank of Russia to foreign trade statistics which are compiled according to the Balance of Payments methodology and include estimates of value of imported (exported) goods by individuals within the approved duty free quote and simplified (privilege) manner and other elements of additional computations.

Balance of Payments - statistical system which reflects all economic transactions between residents of the country with residents of the other countries (non-residents) which have been undertaken during a specified period of time.

The basic classification categories recorded by the Balance of
Payments are the current account, capital account and financial instruments

Current account comprises indicators of export and import of commodities and services; as well as indicators of primary and secondary income payable. Primary income consists of compensation of employees, investment income, rent. Secondary income includes current transfers between residents and nonresidents.

Data on exports is given at the franco border prices (FOB) taking into account expenses on transportation of commodities to the land boundary or shipment to the port of the country-exporter.

Data on imports is also given at franco border prices (FOB) taking but exclude expenses on insurance and transportation of commodities to the boundary of the country-importer.

Capital account presents transactions with capital transfers and non-production non-financial assets.

Financial account presents indicators on transaction with financial claims of residents to non-residents and liabilities of residents against non-residents.

Export - removal of commodities from the territory of the Russian Federation without guarantee of the return them back. Export includes removal from a country of domestically produced commodities and re-export of commodities. Domestically produced
commodities include also those of foreign origin imported to a country and significantly reprocessed and as a result changed their qualitative and technical characteristics. Goods imported to the territory of the Russian Federation and then removed from its territory without payment of customs dues, taxes and application of embargo or economic restrictions, are related as re-exported commodities

Recording of export of commodities is carried out in franco-border of the country-exporter (FOB) prices, i.e. price of a commodity includes expenditures on its transportation to land border or the shipping port of the exporting country.

Import - taking of commodities to the territory of the Russian Federation without guarantee of the return them removed back. Import includes commodities run for consumption in the economy of a country, brought in the territory of a state according to a re-import regime. Re-imported commodities are those moved out from the territory of the Russian Federation and then moved in this territory without payment of customs dues, taxes and application of embargo or economic restrictions.

Recording of import of commodities is carried out in franco-border prices of the country-importer (CIF), i.e. prices of commodities include expenditures on the insurance and transportation to the border of the importing country.

The share of consumer, intermediate and investment goods represents the ratio of the cost of the consumer, intermediate and investment goods to the total value of imports.

Consumer goods - commodities unmediatedly satisfying person's requiments and meant for family and personal consumption.

Intermediate goods - commodities used not for final consumption but for further production of gods and services.

Investment goods - serve the goal of replacement, renovation, qualitative improvement of fixed assets.

Customs statistics of foreign and mutual trade with states - members of the Customs Union is formed on all commodities (including values, but excluding currency values in circulation) exports and imports of which increase or decrease material resources of the country and do not include goods which do not cross the customs border of the Russian Federation (fish and sea products, caught and sold outside of the customs territory, fuel and goods, purchased by Russian (foreign) transportation means in foreign (Russian) ports as well as imports (exports) of goods by individuals within approved a duty free quote, or which cross the customs border in privilege manner.

Data from the Federal Customs Service on commodities is calculated without account of mutual trade with the Republic of Kazakhstan from July to December 2010 due to the abolition of customs zone in Russia-Kazakhstan border in July 1, 2010.

External trade turnover according to data of the Federal Customs Service is presented as of February 11, 2015.

External trade turnover - a sum of export and import of goods.

Foreign trade balance (netting) is a difference between export and import of goods. A positive balance means that export exceeds import while a negative balance (symbol "-" put down) means that import exceeds export.

Average export (import) prices are a ratio of a total value of exported (imported) commodities to their quantity.

Tables 27.1, 27.2 contain data presented by the Bank of Russia; in tables 27.3, 27.4, 27.5, 27.7, 27.8, 27.9, 27.11, 27.12, 27.14, 27.15, 27.16, 27.18, 27.19, 27.21, 27.22, 27.24, 27.25 - data from the Federal Customs Service including foreign trade with the Republic of Belarus, in the total external trade turnover (without distribution by commodities) data on trade with the Republic of Kazakhstan is included; in tables 27.6, 27.10, 27.13, 27.17, 27.20, 27.23, 27.26 - data of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.


Russia in figures - 2015
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